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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Winter Solstice Night Hike with Venture Outdoors

  • 12/21/2022
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Frick Environmental Center - 2005 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Registration Required:

Winter Solstice Night Hike

Don’t miss out on this opportunity that only comes once a year! Embrace the longest night of winter as we hike the trails of Frick Park to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Experience night hiking at its best under the sparkling stars and dark woodlands as we cover about 3 miles.  Make sure to bundle up and we will provide red-light headlamps.

Meeting Location: Outside near the Frick Environmental Center (2005 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15217)

Tickets: $8 Venture Outdoors | $10 Non-Members

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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5715 Beacon Street, No. 516
Pittsburgh, PA   15217

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