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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Map and Compass Event with WPOC

  • 10/23/2022
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • North Park - Miller Shelter

Western Pennsylvania Orienteering Club

Date Location Start Times Courses Cost
23 Oct North Park 2, Miller Shelter 11 am to 2 pm   Beginner; Novice; Intermediate; Advanced short and long $6 per map

If you would like to find out more, go to our Web site

Or call Jim Wolfe at 814 255-6606 or e-mail

If you are planning to come to this event, please preregister at   Preregistration does not involve paying any money.  Also, the cost is waived for kids; so they are free.


From the East:  At turnpike (I-76) exit 39, take Route 8 south (1.3 miles). Turn  right onto Wildwood Rd.  This  will become Ingomar Rd; continue on it for 2.9 miles to the light at Babcock Blvd.  Turn right onto Babcock; go for 0.2 miles and turn left onto Pearce Mill Rd and go for 2.0 miles.  Watch for the Miller Shelter and the WPOC banner on a hill on the right.

From the South (on I-279):  Take McKnight Road (exit 4) and follow McKnight Rd 6.4 miles north to Ingomar Rd.  Bear right at the exit and follow Ingomar Rd about 2.1 miles until it crosses Babcock Blvd.  Turn left onto Babcock and follow the directions in bold above.

From the South (on Route 28): Take Route 8 north (exit 5) about 7.4 miles.  Turn left onto Wildwood Rd.  This will become Ingomar Rd; continue on it for 2.9 miles to  the light at Babcock Blvd.  Turn right onto Babcock and follow the directions in bold above.

From the Northwest:  At turnpike (I-76) exit 28 (or at I-79 exit 78 via Route 228 west), take Route 19 South (7.7 miles) to Ingomar Rd.  (Don’t follow Truck Route 19.)  Turn left and follow Ingomar Rd about 2.7 miles until it crosses Babcock Blvd.   Turn left onto Babcock and follow the directions in bold above.

Here is a Google maps link to the Miller Shelter

The GPS coordinates are 40.617337 N, 80.022959 W

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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5715 Beacon Street, No. 516
Pittsburgh, PA   15217

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