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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Joint Rock Climbing Outing with PATC

  • 09/09/2022
  • 6:00 PM
  • 09/11/2022
  • 5:00 PM
  • Coopers Rock
  • 2


Registration is closed

Enjoy two days of top-rope climbing and bouldering on super grippy sandstone while taking in beautiful West Virginia views along the Cheat River. This trip is being planned jointly by the Explorers Club of Pittsburgh (ECP) and Mountaineering Section of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) so is also an opportunity to meet new climbers. Due to the nature of the trip and the climbing there’s no need to come with a belay partner. This trip is a great option for members interested in making the leap from gym to climbing outside. 

The club will help coordinate carpooling and any gear needs.

We have 3 spots remaining so don't delay in registering.


We will be camping at Chestnut Ridge Campground- and hope you want to join but we also understand that you may prefer other accommodations. To help plan camping please complete this form after you register for the trip so we know how many campsites to book. 

Camping is available for both Friday and Saturday nights.

If you plan to camp, start thinking about your most favorite camping snack to share around the campfire on Saturday evening. 


Coopers Rocks State Forest, WV 

Located just off I-68, about 13 miles from Morgantown

Type of climbing:

Coopers Rock State Forest is a hidden gem for climbers in the Mid-Atlantic region. It is known for its stiff grades and “gritstone” like rock. With a short approach and each access to setting up top rope anchors plus hundreds of bouldering problems.

Cancellation Policy:

If you can no longer make the event, please change your registration as soon as possible. This allows people on the waitlist to join. If you fail to show for an event and do not cancel within 48 hours, you will be considered a no show. Club members who have 3 or more no shows will not be able to register for future events for a period of one year whether it's due to failure to cancel or the person does not show up for the event at all.

Reminder: Climbing is a sport with a risk of serious injury.

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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5715 Beacon Street, No. 516
Pittsburgh, PA   15217

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