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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Rock Climbing @ the Gunks (NY)

  • 05/26/2022
  • 05/30/2022
  • Shawangunks, NY

Registration is closed

Option 2 of 2 weekends in May for this trip (the other is May 11-15).

The Shawangunks, aka the Gunks, is in southeastern NY state, only about 1- 1½ hours from the Big Apple.  About 7 hours from Pittsburgh.  It is about 4 miles west of the cool, little college town of New Paltz. The Gunks is a trad climber’s paradise: easy to place pro, countless horizontals, quality rock, easy approaches, and moderate roofs have made the place famous.  No sport routes are available. Bring your tricams - you'll love them here.  Most climbs are in the 2-3 pitch range with many 1-pitch classics.  Even though this is trad climbing nirvana it has more of a New River Gorge feel rather than Seneca.  The climbs are situated along a long cliff band without the exposure Seneca is famous for (except for the uber classic climb High Exposure - a “must do”).  Many climbs are in the more moderate grade 5.4-5.8 with several beauties above 5.8 if you dare.  However, don't get too cocky, this is the only place where you can tackle a roof (yes, a roof, not an overhang) at the 5.6 grade, Shockley's Ceiling.

The Gunks often receives the same weather as Pittsburgh, therefore, rain, humidity, heat, etc. are a consideration. The daily fee to climb is $20 (as of 2019,) is a big negative, but it’s nice to treat yourself occasionally to this classic crag.

We'll camp at the AAC campground, up to 4 per site.

We'll aim to leave midday on a weekday (Wednesday,) climb Thursday - Sunday at noon, then back home for Sunday night. 

RSVP if interested so we can include you in the planning.

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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